An Answered Prayer

I cannot stress enough how much we appreciate the continuous support, love, and prayers from family, friends and people we have never even met. I’m currently sitting in a hotel room in Oklahoma thinking about how crazy life has been over the past week and how we got here. Here meaning how in the heck did I get to Oklahoma?! I have no doubt that it’s from the thousands of prayers that have been said for us over the past couple of weeks. So thank you times a million and please, PLEASE keep them coming. God is working on something BIG, I can feel it. Literally, I can feel it in my brain.

So why are we sitting in a hotel room in Oklahoma? It’s actually a pretty great story. One that I might also refer to as a “sign” (I really love when God sends us signs). Right after I found out that I had cancer, I reached out to a friend of ours who had also had cancer. It was a different type, but he kicked its ass none the less. I wanted to get some insight on what to expect with radiation and chemo and while we were chatting he asked if I planned to start a blog for updates and what not. I was planning on keeping a personal journal to work through emotions but I hadn’t even considered a blog. What a great idea! It’s so much easier to keep up with this and it keeps my friends and family members up to date on what is going on. So I started a blog 4 days ago. FOUR. I had no idea how fast my blog would travel. My first post alone got over 18,000 views (which isn’t actually that many but when I picture 18,000 reading what I wrote it seems like quit a few people!) As fate would have it, within 24 hours my blog made it to a neurosurgeon.  A neurosurgeon who specializes in the removal of gliomas in critical areas of the brain. Coincidence? Hopefully by now you realize that coincidence just doesn’t exist.  How did it get there you might wonder? My brother in law shared my post, and one of his friends liked it. Because his friend liked it, it showed up on that person’s newsfeed where one of that’s person’s friends saw it (getting confused yet?!) It turns out that THAT person works with a neurosurgeon and reached out to him AND to me. The neurosurgeon then also reached out to me directly and asked me to send him my scans and said he would take a look at them for me. (Clear as mud, right? Recap: I wrote the blog, A shared it, B liked A’s share, C saw B’s post, C reached out to me and shared with D, the neurosurgeon.)

We were extremely anxious about getting his opinion because we have had a couple surgeons look at my scans and they just won’t touch it. On our way to Disney on Monday, we got the response.  He could do it. He has done it before and even though my condition is rare, he believes he can do it successfully. WHAT!? Suddenly my inoperable brain tumor may be operable?! By the grace of God we were able to minimize the discussion of this while at Disney and enjoy the day as a family (seriously, can you imagine how hard that might be??). But as soon as we hit the car to head home our heads were spinning. Not only could he do it but he could do it this week. This is major surgery. This is one of those crazy surgeries where you are having major brain surgery while awake. I mean, sure, I did that with the biopsy but this is way more intense. This is what the other surgeons wouldn’t do. Obviously there is risk. We know this. Trust me, we know this. But we also know how aggressive glioblastomas are and the only real hope for survival is resection or removal of the rumor. I’m terrified to have this surgery. I am so scared. But I’m more scared NOT to have it. I would rather be alive with side effects than to not be alive. I love this life that God has given me. I love my husband and daughter so much.  I will do anything to be here with them. Even if it means having a craniotomy.

So that’s where we are at haha. We are meeting with him tomorrow (Thursday) and will have the surgery scheduled for Friday morning. I know I have asked a million times, but I have to keep asking because the Lord is listening. Please continue to pray for us, for healing, for understanding, for us to be able to discern what the Lord is calling us to do. Even though we feel very called to be here I want to be open to what God wants, even if that means walking away tomorrow. We know God is listening and answering our prayers.

I have one more favor to ask. I believe very deeply in the power of prayer and I would love it if you could comment with a way I could pray for you or someone you know. I want to use my time before, during, and after surgery in prayer and I would love to pray for you. If you would feel more comfortable messaging me privately, please do. I just want to use this in a way to help other people, and honestly, reading is good physical therapy for me. Thank you thank you thank you for the continued support and prayers.

179 thoughts on “An Answered Prayer

  1. Stephanie I saw a post from a church member, Tara, who was hosting a prayer time for you. I wanted to go even though I didn’t know you or her very well but I couldn’t so here I am reading about you and your situation. You are very courageous and that could only come from our Strong God! He will be with you tomorrow and through this whole thing. praying for you and your husband and beautiful daughter. I will look forward to updates and will continue to lift you up in prayers.


  2. Stephanie, I was blessed to only cross paths with you and your husband for a brief period during your hospital stay in Florida. I was the nurse who came to MRI to transport you to imaging suite to undergo your lumbar puncture. I have to admit that even though I wasn’t intentionally eavesdropping, I was awed by the calm in your husbands voice and your voice when discussing your newly diagnosed life changing situation. I have followed your continued story for the last few days, from your stay at Shands with your halo placement and procedure, to your family time at Disney, and now your impending surgery in Oklahoma tomorrow.

    I have been a nurse for 32 years and I can honestly say with great certainty that your story has touched me in such a way that I can’t even put into words, at a time that I needed a real “sign” that God is still in control of all things, as I see death and self destruction on an all too frequent basis.

    Your words hold such faith and love for our Creator, and fill my heart with such an awesome feeling of love and peace, and I just know in my heart that God has wrapped you in His arms with great strength and will hold you and keep you during your journey.

    I will continue to follow your story, as I truly believe God speaks to all of us through you! I will continue to lift you and your beautiful family in prayer daily, and please know that your strength gives so many others strength!


    1. Kay, your post made me cry. As a former oncology nurse, I too have seen the travesty of cancer, more times than I can count. Found out about Stephanie’s story through my niece who requested prayer for her. As I read her blog, and people’s comments tonite I had tears of gratefulness steaming down my face, as to how she ended up in Oklahoma for her surgery. God is SO awesome, isn’t He?!? This story has His Name written ALL over it!!! So glad her story touched your heart when you needed it most! That made me cry, just because of the fact that He is using her life to bless the hearts of so many others, as we are privileged to pray for her and her family. Beyond cool, if you ask me!!!


  3. This is an awesome post. I almost passed it over on Facebook, but I feel like any testimony should be shared by brothers and sisters in Christ. We should never pass by an opportunity to hear and rejoice in God’s goodness!! I pray the surgery is truly a miracle answer for you. And I love that you asked to pray for others. My baby girl has spina bifida, and while there are a million things I could ask for her, I am specifically asking that God would allow her to be medication free by this summer. Meaning that the things she is currently taking or needing medication for would be resolved by the healing hands of our Father. So if you could pray for that, I would be so grateful for your time spent praying over Carolina!

    I hope you find peace and healing in the days to come.



  4. I will be praying for the Lord to completly heal you. I also have cancer and have a CT scan on Tues to see whats going on with my tumors. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5&6


  5. I know you are in God’s hands! Rest there. Feel the fear and do it any way. Many blessings.🙏😘🙏

    I ask for prayers that my right job at the right time will soon come to me as I have been unemployed since the end of September. I’ve had two opportunities fall through in the pst week. I have another one that I won’t hear anything more for several weeks. Thank you. 💕


  6. Praying for you and also doing the Novena with you. I ask the Lord to continue to give you peace and strength during this trial and to be guiding the surgeons and all those caring for you and your family. Amen. Thank you for being open to praying for others even in your time of need.

    Please pray for our friends daughter and husband. They are expecting their second child and the doctor believes something is wrong with the baby. Tests are being run and it will be at three weeks before they know anything.

    God Bless you and your family.


  7. Hello,

    I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family for a successful surgery tomorrow. May God’s love and peace pass through you and give you comfort.

    The hands of God will be with your surgeon tomorrow. May God bless you and your entire family.


  8. Hi there,

    I’ve been following your blog since the day it started and I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon it. Not only has it shaken up and strengthened my faith, but it’s been reaffirming in many things I’ve been learning about God myself lately as well. You and your family are in my prayers. I know you’re healed already, and I know none of this is simply by chance.

    May you rest easily tonight, knowing full well you are in God’s hands that have brought you here. And may your surgery, and the long life I know you will have after all of this unfolds be blessed immeasurably.

    I ask for prayers that God shows me the path he wants me to take with my life, toward His will for my life… not my own.

    God bless you. Thank you for being such a light. It’s truly brought me to a better place.


  9. My prayers are lifted for you! What an incredible story. Your grace, courage and transparency are amazing. My prayer request is for positive resolution to a custody court battle we are in right now, so our family can move forward together. Thank you and blessings to you


  10. Praying for you! Praying for the surgeons hands to be guided, the whole team to work together and for you and your life to be protected.

    Will you pray for a patient of mine? I’m a pediatric nurse – and taking care of a young guy with cancer and very, very sick lungs right now and no immune system to fight off infection. Will you pray for his healing and strength for him and his sweet family? Thank you.


  11. I am also an AF (recently retired) wife. Please pray that I remain cancer free. I was shocked to learn almost two years ago that I had late stage cancer. Surgery removed all of it, but recurrence is a threat. You’ll be in my prayers.


  12. We don’t know each other, but I am praying for you. Healing in Jesus’ name! I’m believing with you guys!

    My husband and I are licensed foster parents waiting on our first placement, so prayers for that are always appreciated!

    I can’t wait to hear how God moves! I love how you are sharing his name so boldly! May he receive all the glory from this healing!



  13. Stephanie, I too believe in the power of prayer. Back when I was 22 they discovered I had malignant melanoma, and that it had already spread. I was in the Air Force at that time and half a world away from family and friends. My doctors told me I should go home and put my affairs in order as I only had a 15% chance to survive 5 years. I put it in God’s hands, praying that I hoped I had accomplished all that he had wanted me to do. Stephanie, that was 46 years ago. I was blessed by His hands in so many ways! Please know that we are all praying for you and that He does wonderful things through the hands of other that touch our lives!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You definitely have my prayers! What a powerful thing social media can be. If you could pray for my baby I’d be so grateful. We are waiting to learn if she may have a neurological condition, genetic condition, possible autism or what is going on. Just want to get some answers and praying for the best possible outcome. Thank you! So sweet to offer help to others. Many prayers for you and all those around you!!


  15. I love you and your blog. I’m praying for you. I’m also a mom of young ones. For me, please pray for my husband and I to be brave on our walk and heed the Lord’s call. Peace be with you.


  16. Prayers sent to you! I need them too craniotomy is booked for this Friday May 12th. I started a blog to get my feeling out about it too!! Hope you are doing well.



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